Why I am non traditional reason #1

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NubianPrincess said:
I learned "Turtle" in computer class in elementary school :) Things were so simple back then :p

You had computers in elementary school?!?!?! Geez, back in the dark ages, we had Big Chief tablets, Prince Albert cigar boxes for our pencils, the girls had to wear dresses (this was a public school, not a private school with uniforms), a carton of milk was a nickel, nuclear bomb drills where we had to hide our heads in a locker or under a desk (like that would help!), we watched "The Lone Ranger" (black and white, of course - color TV was non-existent for the most part, at least until the mid-sixties, I think), and computers took up entire rooms - LARGE rooms - and they certainly weren't on any elementary school curriculum. :laugh:

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I partied like a rock star and will have No regrets
drlisa0318 said:
You had computers in elementary school?!?!?! Geez, back in the dark ages, we had Big Chief tablets, Prince Albert cigar boxes for our pencils, the girls had to wear dresses (this was a public school, not a private school with uniforms), a carton of milk was a nickel, nuclear bomb drills where we had to hide our heads in a locker or under a desk (like that would help!), we watched "The Lone Ranger" (black and white, of course - color TV was non-existent for the most part, at least until the mid-sixties, I think), and computers took up entire rooms - LARGE rooms - and they certainly weren't on any elementary school curriculum. :laugh:

LOL. I remember in first or second grade making a "computer" (actually a binary calculator) out of a kit from the phone company. We also suffered with "new math", where we had to learn how to do everything in an assortment of bases - not just 10 or 2, but 19, or 5, or 11. Not sure why we had to.

And, about third grade or so when I was a cub scout one of the dads brought an ELECTRONIC CALCULATOR to the meeting - it was the size of two VERY large suitcases, had to be plugged into two separate electrical circuits (not plugs, circuits), and could do things like multiply and divide. Pretty cool stuff.
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Originally Posted by dnelsen
We have a winner!

flighterdoc said:
YES! No, wait.. NO! NOOOOOOO!

Too Funny!!! Yer not seriously older than yer professors are u?? j/k!
How fun! I'm not THAT old but>.....

-after The Electric Company, 3-2-1 Contact came on.
-I was cutting edge when I took a class on a TRS-80 computer
-I had parachute pants.
-When I interviewed for med school, when I told a MS1 what year I graduated from college she told me she was still in high school. (at least it wasn't jr high)
-Its interesting being older than my attendings.
-Most people still think I'm in my twenties....
-Its all good. there is always someone older, always someone younger.
karlin009 said:
I partied like a rock star and will have No regrets

Ditto that. My 20's were a blast. And a blur. Wait a minute. I don't remember. :D :D :D :hardy:
-Because I truly know what it's like to deal with to two hundred hormonally driven preteens with severe personality disorders on a daily basis :laugh:

-Because I'll probably be the only med. student who carries boxes of colored chalk in her scrubs (you can't kick the habit if you've been a teacher ;) )
This is great!
-The New Schmoo
-Video killed the Radio Star

I still remember when HBO first came out!

-8 track tapes
-Floppies were really floppy
-Don't drown your food
Budder said:
This is great!
-The New Schmoo
-Video killed the Radio Star

I still remember when HBO first came out!

-8 track tapes
-Floppies were really floppy
-Don't drown your food

I remember watching on Friday nights at 11:30- Friday night Videos because we didn't have MTV in our area yet. I guess I'm old because I find myself saying "we didn't have this..." and I sometimes feel very reluctant to accept the new technology today..blackberries, etc.... I look at these 15 yr olds with the cell phone attached to their head and think "who do they need to talk to? and why do they need a cell phone?"
God, I am old!! :eek:
medtechv79 said:
Originally Posted by dnelsen
We have a winner!

Too Funny!!! Yer not seriously older than yer professors are u?? j/k!

Unfortunately, I am. What the hell are the schools doing letting these children play professor?

And why should I have to pay full price for them? They obviously don't have any experience! :confused:
flighterdoc said:
Because I'm older than most of my professors? :eek:
You are not alone there bud! Graduaing (hopefully) at a mere 41 years of age it will be interesting to see how people react when they see that I am the most junior member of the team yet chronologically the eldest :D
Hi there,
Because I graduated from secondary school (the English equivalent of high school) six weeks before my chief cardiothoracic fellow was born. He's a PGY-9 and I am a PGY-3.

njbmd :D
EMT2ER-DOC said:
Has anyone every seen the movie "hackers"? It was a good movie, of course any movie that has gratuitous shot of Angelina Joulie's boobs is good.

But at one point, these hackers were sooooo excited about her new laptop because it had a really new, fast 28.8bps modem!!!

I LOVED the movies hackers. It's my second fav. movie ever! :p
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DrMom said:
Because one of my classmates was a student in a 7th grade science class that I taught.

Whoa. Now that's a nontrad.
EMT2ER-DOC said:
i will be the only one who knows the words to any of the schoolhouse rock songs

conjunction junction what's your function?

Hookin' up words and phrases and clauses....

This served as many an English lesson in my elementary school.... I kid you not.
EMT2ER-DOC said:
Because I only had two games for my Atari 2600, Pac-Man and Combat.

Ouch, you were deprived of Frogger and Space Invaders? I swear, that's how I developed hand eye coordination.
DGhiker said:
Ouch, you were deprived of Frogger and Space Invaders?

I must have played MISSILE COMMAND a half a million times, in between frogger and pac-man. Thanks for the memories....

Robert - 35 y/o non trad, HES, Cambridge, MA
Gunner1068 said:
I must have played MISSILE COMMAND a half a million times, in between frogger and pac-man. Thanks for the memories....

Robert - 35 y/o non trad, HES, Cambridge, MA

I loved Missile Command and I broke lots of controllers playing a game called something like "Warlords". You used a different kind of controller with a rotating knob and they were easily breakable.

ATARI makes me think of Reagan's election. I watched it in between games :)
elementary school lunch was $0.40

conjunction junction, what's your function?

Batman (bam!)

Jaws debut
Grease debut
Hey Ba-bal-ba-bert! Whatcha ba-do-bi-da?

I can't figure out which was my favorite character.




  • Fat Albert.jpg
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lpressley130 said:
Because I can tell these youngsters a thing or two (or three, or four...)! Besides, I can remember the original Spiderman cartoon!

...in the stillll of night
...at the scene of a crime
...blah blah blah
...he arrives, just in time!
Spiderman, Spiderman
Does whatever a spider can
Spins a web, blah blah blah

...well, you know the song. :D
I think it went: "Like a streeeeak of light"

And here's another one:

Here he comes, that Mighty Mouse
Coming to vanquish the foe, with a mighty blow
So don't be afraid anymore
'Cause things won't be like they've been before

Here I come to save the day
Thank goodness Mighty Mouse is on his way
So let the trumpet players play (bah dah dah da da daah!)
'Cause Mighty Mouse is here today


Does anyone know where I might get a copy of that recording? I always loved the Mighty Mouse song.
Gunner1068 said:
I must have played MISSILE COMMAND a half a million times, in between frogger and pac-man. Thanks for the memories....

Robert - 35 y/o non trad, HES, Cambridge, MA

Those were my staples on Atari--Pac Man and Missle Command. Do you remember Dig-Dug?
OrthoFixation said:
elementary school lunch was $0.40

conjunction junction, what's your function?

Batman (bam!)

Jaws debut
Grease debut

Jaws gave me nightmares when it came out.....dreamed sharks were swimming around my bed :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:
Wahoowa said:
Those were my staples on Atari--Pac Man and Missle Command. Do you remember Dig-Dug?

I have dig-dug on my computer. Now.......

Who remembers.....


and more importantly, the famouse,

Burger Time!!!!!!
OrthoFixation said:
elementary school lunch was $0.40

conjunction junction, what's your function?

Batman (bam!)

Jaws debut
Grease debut
I had the Grease soundtrack, knew all the lyrics -- I think I still do. :D
EMT2ER-DOC said:
I have dig-dug on my computer. Now.......

Who remembers.....


and more importantly, the famouse,

Burger Time!!!!!!

Move over younggin... Used to play ladybug and smurfs

Try commadore 64 and moon patrol.... jumpin those craters.. or pitfall.. those were the days..

Burger time I vaguely remember.. wasn't it kind of like the original donkey kong? Which I coincidentally aced.. rolled over the score..

Or how about the original Tron arcade machine? had those cheesy polygon graphics and that big round spinner for a control..
r_salis said:
I had the Grease soundtrack, knew all the lyrics -- I think I still do. :D

Aah yes, some of us do remember 2 career stints for John Travolta.

Farrah and Wonder Woman . . . what babes :thumbup:

Colecovision - a great upgrade from Mattel? Football. You could actually pass the ball.

Pong . . . now that was a thriller. I wore two of them out.

My first Tandy computer plugged into the TV for a monitor and had a tape drive for storage. AUDIO CASSETTE TAPE!

My first real PC had 40MB HD. Now I have a USB jump drive with 256MB, bought it for $30 a few weeks ago. Times do change.
OrthoFixation said:
Aah yes, some of us do remember 2 career stints for John Travolta.

Farrah and Wonder Woman . . . what babes :thumbup:

Colecovision - a great upgrade from Mattel? Football. You could actually pass the ball.

Pong . . . now that was a thriller. I wore two of them out.

My first Tandy computer plugged into the TV for a monitor and had a tape drive for storage. AUDIO CASSETTE TAPE!

My first real PC had 40MB HD. Now I have a USB jump drive with 256MB, bought it for $30 a few weeks ago. Times do change.
I played Pong for hours!

The first computer I learned on was a Tandy at school :love: -- I loved that thing. I remember popping in the cassette tape and loading my programs onto it.
You know you're old when....."Why I am a non traditional reason #1."

-Mighty Mouse was my favorite cartoon
-Felix the Cat was my next favorite cartoon
-Wonder woman was my favorite television show
-"Muffy" the rhyming mouse was another favorite show of mine.
-8 tracks with 2 singles on them was "da bomb"
-I can kid my little sister about how she had 3 Diana Ross "Upside Down" 8 tracks because she wore out the other two
-I also had a betamax and remember arguing with this kid when we were in the 6th grade about how Betamax was soooooo much better than VHS (boy was I wrong :)
-I remember having 256K of memory and almost fell to my grave when my mother surprised me with an upgrade to 640K.
-I had a 1400 baud Hayes compatible modem (because the Hayes brand modem were too expensive.
-I used to run a BBS with my friends....on the 1400 baud modem (wow, we were lightning fast back then :)
-I used to buy software from Egghead software (bricks & mortar store).
-I also had Colecovision, Atari 2600, and IBM PC XT (the latest & greatest phenomenon back then) and got mad when my friend got the IBM PC AT (because his computer could do more than mine). I beat him out later because I was the 1st to get an amber monitor instead of a green monitor. (RGB....what was that, what do you mean there are computer monitors that showed in color?)
-Last but not least, I know im old....I mean "Why I am a non traditional reason #999." Because I recently paid 150 bucks for an arcade size dual joystick (including buttons)

so I can play games reminiscent of my childhood treks to the arcade. Remember going to the arcade to play games. Well, I play the same games I played back then on a life-size joystick. My favorites, back then and now, are:

Kung-Fu Master (the best game in the whole wide world :), Pac-Man (of course), Frogger (of course), Q-Bert, Pong, Super Breakout (aka Bricks), 1942, Burgertime, Centipede, Defender, Digdug, Donkey Kong, Galaga, Paperboy, Gauntlet, Ghosts n Goblins, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, Pole Position, Punch Out (With Mike Tyson's head on a green computer animated body), Space Invaders, Tron (yes, I said TRON), Excite Bike, Duck Hunt...

I could go on, but for the sake of sounding too old, I'll stop right there ;) :thumbup:
Anyone remember the game Hard Hat Mack? Used to play that endlessly in grade school.
confewshz said:
Kung-Fu Master (the best game in the whole wide world :), Pac-Man (of course), Frogger (of course), Q-Bert, Pong, Super Breakout (aka Bricks), 1942, Burgertime, Centipede, Defender, Digdug, Donkey Kong, Galaga, Paperboy, Gauntlet, Ghosts n Goblins, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, Pole Position, Punch Out (With Mike Tyson's head on a green computer animated body), Space Invaders, Tron (yes, I said TRON), Excite Bike, Duck Hunt...

Kung fu master... I never could beat that last guy.. I won several street fighter and MK arcade competitions..-ryu and vega were my main guys..subzero for MK.

excitabike.. that's old school- so is mike tyson's punchout-galaga I still play now and then if I see one in an arcade- It's a "classic".

And if you remember, Neo Geo was the system to get back in the day.. basically paying 600 bucks for what was essentially the system board from an arcade machine thrown into a console. I had my sega master system with final fantasy ONE.. hehe

What a crock. You skipped the Atari 5200. That was my upgrade from the 2600!

BTW, Beta was the better technology over VHS. The fatal mistake Sony made was refusing to license the technology to third parties. The were over run by volume and the availability of rental tapes followed the market volume of players, thus creating a snowball cycle and put Beta in the grave.

I remember getting a VHS for $500 (my parents) which was a steal from the original $1,000 price.
OrthoFixation said:

What a crock. You skipped the Atari 5200. That was my upgrade from the 2600!

BTW, Beta was the better technology over VHS. The fatal mistake Sony made was refusing to license the technology to third parties. The were over run by volume and the availability of rental tapes followed the market volume of players, thus creating a snowball cycle and put Beta in the grave.

I remember getting a VHS for $500 (my parents) which was a steal from the original $1,000 price.

Or when CD players were a luxery and cost around $1000.
ZanMD said:
Kung fu master... I never could beat that last guy.. I won several street fighter and MK arcade competitions..-ryu and vega were my main guys..subzero for MK.

excitabike.. that's old school- so is mike tyson's punchout-galaga I still play now and then if I see one in an arcade- It's a "classic".

And if you remember, Neo Geo was the system to get back in the day.. basically paying 600 bucks for what was essentially the system board from an arcade machine thrown into a console. I had my sega master system with final fantasy ONE.. hehe

I beat that Kung Fu Master guy one time (when Iwas younger). I never could beat him again. For SF2, I liked Guile, Blanka, and Chun Li. My favorite MK2 character was scorpion. I remember when MK2 first came out and parents were complaining about the "life like" blood that would spatter out the character's bodies when you punched them or kicked them. SF2 did not have this, if I remember correctly. As for NEO GEO, I remember hearing about it, but never had one. FF1? Yep, yer old :)
OrthoFixation said:

What a crock. You skipped the Atari 5200. That was my upgrade from the 2600!

BTW, Beta was the better technology over VHS. The fatal mistake Sony made was refusing to license the technology to third parties. The were over run by volume and the availability of rental tapes followed the market volume of players, thus creating a snowball cycle and put Beta in the grave.

I remember getting a VHS for $500 (my parents) which was a steal from the original $1,000 price.

I never got the Atari 5200, but I remember hearing about it. And you're right about Betamax. Now I remember why they went down. You could barely find any Betamax tapes for rent at rental stores, because they were flooded with VHS tapes. Ultimately, we were forced to pay another $500 for one of those ancient, top-loading VHS VCRs.
confewshz said:
I never got the Atari 5200, but I remember hearing about it. And you're right about Betamax. Know I remember why they went down, you could barely find any Betamax tapes for rent at rental stores, because they were flooded with VHS tapes. Ultimately, we were forced to pay another $500 for one of those ancient, top-loading VHS VCRs.
I remember when there was a separate section at the video stores for betamax and vhs. And by "video stores", I don't mean Blockbuster or Hollywood Video.

And the very first job I had, I had to read the tax off of a chart and figure out change in my head. No automatic registers then.
How can it be that nobody in this thread has given what I have always found to be the most distressing sign that I was a "non-trad". I was the only one in my class that knew the phrase


... God, I wanted to be Johnny Gage! Now I'm more like Kelly Brackett...

- H
