community college

  1. A

    Is it ok to take some pre-reqs at a community college 1st?

    I'm starting out a community college and was looking at a pre-med forum on a different site, and someone asked if it's a bad idea to start out at a community college before transferring to a 4-year university for undergrad. A lot of people were saying it'll look bad to med schools if you do your...
  2. R

    is it possible to take 0 gap years if first 2 years at community college?

    I know it's definitely possible to get into med schools by doing the first 2 years at a CC and then transferring, however I read that most premeds start applying for med school junior year. Is it even possible to apply to med school without any gap years when you did the first 2 at a CC? I've...
  3. dantezribaldi

    Placing into upper div courses through self study?

    I am 7 years out of an arts undergrad in which I took no hard science and had a fairly low gpa. As I require aid for any program that goes beyond 1 or 2 cheap courses, originally I was planning on starting pre-reqs at a local CC and then at some point either applying to the one or two Postbaccs...
  4. A

    Community College Grades vs. 4-Year University Grades

    I've been out of HS for a few years now, and the colleges I applied to said they want me to take 1 or 2 semesters at a different college and then apply again as a transfer to a 4-year undergrad university. So I'm doing 1 or 2 semesters at a community college 1st. I read on the forums here that...
  5. L

    Which classes should I take at a community college vs. at a 4-year college?

    When I applied to 4-year universities they advised that I should 1st complete 1 or 2 semesters at a different school and then transfer because I haven't been in school in a long time. So I'm taking my 1st 1 or 2 semesters at a community college. I was worried it would be looked down on by...
  6. L

    Will medical schools look down on community college coursework?

    I haven't been in high school since 2007 but I've been I other schools for my CNA license and have been working in medical-related jobs. I applied to a 4-year university and they said since I haven't been in high-school for so long or a traditional college, they want to see recent college work...
  7. P

    How bad would it look to take general biology I at a community college?

    I know this question is asked a lot, but I’ve seen mixed answers so I’m a little confused. Some people say you shouldn’t take science/math prereqs under any circumstance at a community college if you attend a four-year college for all 4 years, while others say just a couple would be okay. I am...
  8. U

    WAMC? c/o 2028 General application advice

    20 year old, female, AZ resident, first time applicant Looking for any application advice for next year :) Cumulative GPA: 3.7 science GPA: 3.6? last 45: not sure yet GRE results: Don’t plan on taking Veterinary Experience: -Veterinary assistant SM clinic, this is my current job (~200 hours...
  9. L

    Do Ivy Leauge Medical Schools Such as Harvard Look Down on/Reject you if you Took 1 Year of Your Credits at a Community College

    Even if the credits were the easier classes (& saved the harder classes for regular university)?
  10. L

    Are Community College credits looked down upon for Med Schools and are they seen as easier and less competitive?

    I'm thinking about going to a community college and transferring credits to a university and finishing my bachelors degree. Is it better/more competitive if I just take 1 school year of community college and 3 schools years at a traditional college for my bachelor's degree to get into med...
  11. 42Gauge

    Community college in person vs State university online classes

    Which would adcoms see as more rigorous: a class taken in-person or hybrid at my local community college or a class taken via my state flagship's online/continuing ed program, assuming the actual courses are the same?
  12. L

    NonTrad looking to do DIY PostBacc - advice?

    Hi all, graduated 7 years ago with 2.78 BCPM and 2.95 cGPA. I recently started thinking of going back into medicine after working in software for a while. I don't feel fulfilled in my current role and medicine seems more doable now that I've matured. I double majored in Neuroscience and Computer...
  13. N

    Graduated with low GPA, but I'm ready to to make a comeback. HELP!

    I don't want to focus too much on my sob story, but the gist of it was my biggest support system passed away during undergrad and I spiraled. To get straight to the point, I graduated in the spring with a 2.7 GPA, have over hundreds of community service hours, research, and I'm currently a CMA...
  14. Alessandra20

    Community college credits?

    Hello everyone! hope you’re all doing well, i wanted to take my orgo 1 and 2 this spring/summer but the classes are full at my university. Does taking them at a community college affect my acceptance to pharmacy school at all? i currently have a 3.3 gpa, have retaken a couple classes (got an A...
  15. idkjustchooseone

    Is my situation ok? suggestions please?

    Hello everyone, apologies if this is the wrong place, but I am new to SDN. I plan on applying to medical school in 3-4 years, I recently switched from prenursing to the premed track, so I'm currently attending a community college. I have completed anatomy and intro to microbio, and I'm currently...
  16. J

    I’m definitely not the only one! What should I do with my situation?

    Hello, I’m new to this forum and searched around for answers to my particular situation but it’s so unique that I couldn’t really find all the answers. I figured I’d share it and get some feedback while hopefully not asking information already posted. Where do I begin? Well for your sake, I’ll...
  17. J

    I have a master's in psychology, can I take prereq's at CC for Dental school

    I have a Master's degree in psychology, but am interested in a career change. I have a few biology courses from my undergrad but still need to take chem, ochem and other higher level science classes. I am looking into a CC to save money instead of taking these classes at a 4yr university. Will...
  18. T_Huene

    Application Check

    So I’m looking for fair and straight criticism on the main points of what will become my application hopefully in the coming couple years. I graduated high school with just below a 3.0 and then continued onto the Honors College of Lewis and Clark Community College in Southern Illinois for an...
  19. habbohomer

    Should I take my Pre-reqs at Community College or at 4-year University after transferring?

    I've seen this question asked a lot and I've seen mixed responses. Especially now with covid, would it make sense to wait until after transferring to a 4-year university to take pre-reqs as taking them online and at a community college may seem too easy and not appealing for Med school...
  20. Dakterbin

    NEED HELP,,,,- 4 year school -> community college-> 4 year school/ will it affect medical school application!!??

    Hi all I want to move from my current school, to community college then 4 year school. Currently, I have cGPA of 3.6 which, isn't terribly bad, but I want to improve the number more by attending more years at college. but I have several academic and personal reasons to leave my current...
  21. CardioK

    3.63 Community college GPA 2.85 4 year

    I transferred from community college after my associates degree. I have a 3.63 gpa from there. I’m now sitting with a 2.85 from my time at the university. (They don’t add in community college gpa) I was wondering how this process would look for me when applying to med schools. I still have to...
  22. A

    Non traditional with low gpa - need advice on post bacc options

    Hey everyone! So I just graduated this May with a B.S in Computer Science from a state school. I've felt the calling towards medical school for as long as I can remember, however my parents pushed me to do CS. Right now I was able to land a job with a huge company as a software engineer with...
  23. Z

    Associates at community college

  24. S

    What are my chances? Former Pro Soccer Player and Restaurant Owner

  25. B


  26. C

    List of community colleges offering pre-reqs

    I'm a non-trad student who needs basically all of the biology pre-reqs (list below). I'd like to take as many as possible at community colleges if possible to save on cost. Some classes are at most community colleges, like anatomy and physiology or intro to biology. Others are much less common...
  27. Dr. Spoodermen ND

    Any prereqs that's "eh, not a big deal" if taken at a CC?

    I know that CC credits are taken by a case-by-case basis at many schools, and many schools prefer they be taken at a 4-year than a CC. But are there any prerequisites that aren't a big deal if taken at a CC instead of a 4-year? I've read on SDN that Orgo 1&2 at a CC induces some frowns... but...
  28. N

    Let’s talk about money! Scholarships undergraduate transfer help?

    Disclaimer:) If this is not the right forum please tell me where to post/English is not my first language and I am on my phone so don’t kill me over formatting/grammar. I am hopefully transferring out of my Californian community college (applied to UC’s tagged UCSB so that seems a sure yes)...
  29. LizzyM

    Making Medical School Admissions More Equitable

    Closing the Gap — Making Medical School Admissions More Equitable Efrain Talamantes, M.D., M.B.A., Mark C. Henderson, M.D., Tonya L. Fancher, M.D., M.P.H., and Fitzhugh Mullan, M.D. in the February 28, 2019 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine N Engl J Med 2019; 380:803-805. Check...
  30. Python Forever

    Using CC Humanities Classes to Increase Workload Post-Bacc?

    As a full-time nontrad student, I believe I'm expected to take 30+ units per academic year (since I won't be working full-time) not including summers, or at least that's what I read on SDN. If so, I'm looking to split that to 24 units science, and 6 units humanities. Is it ok if I take the 6...
  31. Python Forever

    Taking Languages Classes/Psych Classes @ CC

    I live in SoCal, and it's becoming more and more obvious that I need to learn Spanish to be able to volunteer/work broadly here. I want to learn it in a classroom environment (i.e. avoid online learning), and don't want to shell out $1000 per class to learn it at a 4-year. Taking Spanish 1 and 2...
  32. D

    Advice on my prerequisite dilemma

    Hello all. So I did lots of searching and found some pretty helpful threads but wanted more clarification on my specific situation. I can't remember which thread it was, but a pretty knowledgeable poster commented that you should take these courses where you would perform the best. Having...
  33. R

    Transfer Student with Economics Major and other questions.

    I'm about to begin my first semester of community college and I decided to chose economics because it is a passion of mine and also because it's a useful degree on its own. I'm taking four classes this semester. I've extremely motivated to start premed on the best foot possible. Now with the...
  34. 3

    GPA From Community Colleges Considered?

    I have read that the GPA earned in a community college is not transferred over to a university, but rather only the credits earned from individual classes are. Does this mean that the GPA earned at a community college is not considered at all by medical school adcoms? Will the overall GPA upon...
  35. P

    4 year to community college to 4 year

    hey so I’m at a four year school right now on a dance and academic scholarship, but I want to be a pre med and I can’t really do that at this school and keep my scholarship for dance. I was going to go back to a cc and take classes to transfer to a four year because it would be cheaper. Will Med...
  36. SterlingMaloryArcher

    Scribe friend didn't submit community college transcript, didn't get caught.

    Simply reporting a real-world experience, as I have seen it debated on here whether AMCAS can/will find out. Not salty about it or anything. - This was a year of Dual Enrollment. - He said he made decent grades there, so it probably wouldn't effect anything. - Not sure if his University...
  37. I

    Low Science GPA, Missing Classes, Strong Work Experience

    Hi all, A brief overview of my situation: cGPA ~3.4, BCPM GPA ~2.5, missing all chemistry classes, prior military, 2000+ hours patient care, healthcare outcomes research, Ivy Master's with GPA ~3.7, healthcare finance/operations job. Would going to community college to finish/retake pre-reqs...
  38. Z

    Even After a PhD, Passion for Medicine Still Strong... at 32!

    Hello all, around 2013, at the age of 27 I was at a crossroads, by then, I had earned my masters in business to follow my undergraduate degree; do I continue on the PhD path or should I finally stop ignoring the beast within me and pursue what I always knew I needed to do: become a medical...
  39. S

    Community College Postbacc for nontrad, CS - 24 years old

    I just graduated from undergrad with a 3.3 GPA in Computer Science. I have been hit with the reality that much of my career in IT would be spent doing development on some marketing/policy/business software. I am in an AI masters program now, but I am coming back around to my high school dream of...
  40. N

    Calc 1 p/np?

    Hi guys, I am currently in a cc (philosophy major) and my councelor told me to take Calc 1 and 2 as a premed requirement together with calc based Physics. This semester I am taking Calc 1 and Chem 102 (lecture and lab) and philosophy and both chemistry and Calc 1 has been kicking my butt in...